

Thermal oil furnace

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Thermal oil furnace

The heat-conducting oil furnace inserts the electric heater directly into the organic carrier (heat-conducting oil) for direct heating, and performs liquid-phase circulation through a high-temperature oil pump to transfer the heated heat-conducting oil to the heating equipment, and then returns to the oil outlet of the heating equipment The electric oil heater is heated to form a complete circulating heating system. Electric heating heat-conducting oil furnace adopts digital display temperature controller to control temperature, with over temperature alarm, low oil level alarm and over pressure alarm function.

浮梁县| 安国市| 临猗县| 宁河县| 宣化县| 会宁县| 文水县| 商南县| 南京市| 永仁县| 定安县| 宁河县| 房山区| 平度市| 武功县| 洛浦县| 龙游县| 西畴县| 湘乡市| 江山市| 莱州市| 枣庄市| 赞皇县| 洛川县| 安达市| 巍山| 沅陵县| 台东市| 安顺市| 乐平市| 文安县| 仙桃市| 城固县| 达尔| 时尚| 葵青区| 剑河县| 安阳县| 资阳市| 滨州市| 定州市|