

Shot blasting line for large excavator parts

Products > Shot blasting Machine > Shot blasting line for large excavator parts

Shot blasting line for large excavator parts

product manual:

The shot blasting line for large excavator parts is suitable for surface cleaning or strengthening treatment of excavator parts, machinery, chemicals, castings, and other workpieces.
The characteristic of this machine is that the hook device composed of circular track can be synchronized with the production line, and its continuous pass type shot blasting has high production efficiency and remarkable cleaning effect.

We apply shot blasting technology to achieve the purpose of rust removal and strengthening, because shot blasting is still the most economical and reliable method in the world.

Device parameters:

Uses: manufacturing processing
Power:360kwPrinciple: MechatronicsDust removal air volume:35000m3/h
Object: all structural parts of large excavatorsDust removal efficiency:99.99%Custom processing: Yes
Type: HangingType:GQ38Specifications: Call for details
Brand: Granken

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