

Duct heater

Duct heater

The air duct heater is mainly used for heating the air in the air duct. The specifications are divided into three forms: low temperature, middle temperature, and high temperature. The common feature in the structure is the use of steel plates to support the electric heating tube to reduce the vibration of the electric heating tube when the fan stops. Over-temperature control devices are installed in the junction boxes. The low temperature type can be directly installed on the air duct, and the medium temperature type and high temperature type have a 100mm thick insulation material clamped on the outer wall of the channel to the heater junction box due to the difference in structure. Reduced temperature inside the terminal compartment.


1. The electric heating tube uses an outer-wound corrugated stainless steel strip, which increases the heat dissipation area and greatly improves the heat exchange efficiency.

2. The design of the heater is reasonable, the wind resistance is small, the heating is uniform, and there is no high or low temperature dead angle.

3. Double protection and good safety performance. A temperature controller and a fuse are installed on the heater, which can be used to control the air temperature in the duct and work under no wind conditions to ensure foolproof.

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